Launching: Great Coffee By Great Women
On April 22, 1970, a group of dedicated activists led by Denis Hayes, mobilized 200 million people in 141 countries to organize the first Earth Day. In addition to being a day of action, Earth Day was an invitation to all inhabitants of planet Earth to participate in creating long-lasting impact. One of the actions that Denis envisioned was by changing our consumption patterns. Denis said: “I feel more confident than ever that the power to save the planet rests with the individual consumer.”
After five decades, these words continue to be highly relevant. We’re consuming more, and the options continue to expand. Names change, labels get updated, but consumers continue to remain in the shadows. On the production side, growers continue to be exploited even as they follow ever-changing international production standards.
We like to think of ourselves as realistic idealists. We know we cannot solve all of these problems. But, we will carry the baton as far as possible and pass it to the next generation, just as Denis passed it to our generation.
Today, we are proud to introduce a new path for Bean Voyage: the care trade approach. We will take a careful approach to provide essential training to women from rural regions so they produce specialty coffee, earn a better income and lead sustainable lives. We will take a careful and transparent approach to provide consumers with high quality coffee so they know exactly who produces their favorite morning beverage.
In the coming months, we will organize 80+ hours of skills-based training for rural women in Costa Rica, provide a platform to share their stories, connect their products to end buyers and reiterate our model so it is prepared for impact and scale. We hope you will follow our journey, join our mission, and lead this movement with us.
Welcome to Bean Voyage!
Sunghee Tark and Abhinav Khanal
Co-founders of Bean Voyage