4 Types Of Relatives You’ll Encounter This Festive Season

Bean Voyage
3 min readNov 22, 2017


Photo: Unsplash

As people gather around dinner tables and pray for the health and wellness of each other, everyone is bound to have a few relatives who are…um..a bit weird? Either way, you love them all and have to bring gifts for everyone. Not too sure what kind of gifts to get those relatives? Our in-house relationship expert has the following coffee gift ideas to help you:

For the one who’s always late: Natural — Medium Roast

Photo: Unsplash

The party started at 5 pm, the tables are made, and the food’s ready! And…. there’s a missing relative who was supposed to bring drinks for everyone. To start eating without them or to wait may be your biggest dilemma right now. When they (finally) arrive, surprise them with a bag of our natural medium roast! Hide your annoyance behind the complex body of this coffee that’s filled with a scent of vanilla, chocolate, and orange! They’ll be sure to come early next time to get the festivities in their mouths started sooner!

For the one who has (way too many) advice: Yellow Honey — Light Roast

Photo: Unsplash

You are a grown-up adult and yet there is that one relative that wants to know everything about your personal life, and be your unasked advisor. Their advices go from how to meet the right partner to how to better serve desserts!! Surprise them with a bit of acidity hidden behind the flavorful raspberries, flower and jasmine in a cup of our light roasted yellow honey! They are bound to be amused by the dainty cup and will most likely stay away from giving more advice!

For the one who (always) has too many drinks: Red Honey — Dark Roast

Photo: Unsplash

We all have that relative who enters clean and reserved but half-way through dinner, finishes a bottle of whiskey and is tomato-red! Hand them a warm cup of our delish Red honey dark roast. The punch of dark, strong kick will sober them up, and the chocolate-like sweetness that’s followed will keep them soft and smooth. Perhaps, they’ll love this luscious coffee so much that it will keep them away from too much alcohol this holiday!

For the one who always “forgets” to wash their dishes: Double Washed — Medium Roast

Photo: Unsplash

The food has been served, and everyone has finished eating. You leave the kitchen thinking you can finally sit and relax with a nice cup of coffee, but then you see one plate left behind because someone “forgot” to clean after themselves. You know who they are because they always “forget” about their mess. Hah. Hand over a warm cup of double washed medium roast to them. It is soothing, sprinkled with the sweetness of vanilla and almond that fills your mouth with clean body and bright acidity. In fact, maybe you should just drink it yourself. You’ve been the best host ever and you deserve a nice warm drink to end the night.

Enjoy our coffee with your favorite desserts this holiday season, and remember to share some love with all those around you! Happy Thanksgiving!

Bean Voyage is a non profit that provides training and market access to female coffee producers in Costa Rica so they can produce specialty coffee, earn better income and lead sustainable lives.



Bean Voyage
Bean Voyage

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